EXPO, 2: What's new at Texas parks and Wildlife Expo ... we'll tell you on Passport to Texas ... ____________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Texas Parks and Wildlife Expo evolves to meet the changing needs and interests of the outdoor enthusiast. Expo Director Ernie Gammage. One of the great new things that we're going to have this year is a program on outdoor gear for women. It will be a presentation in the main tent. And we'll have not only gear and clothes, but also things that make recreating in the outdoors easier for women ... different ways to get a kayak around, and the best way to buy a firearm that's scaled for a woman, for example. We're really looking forward to that. Expo is free to attend, and is scheduled Saturday and Sunday, October 7 & 8 on the grounds of Texas Parks and Wildlife in Austin. Another new activity this year involves the national organization Leave No Trace ... ... this is an ethically based program of seven principles about the outdoors. And it will be a chance to introduce the public to the basics of how do you act when you go in the outdoors. And there will be activities surrounding that. Are you competitive? If you think you can cast better than most, come to Expo the first weekend in October and put your skills to the test. We're working with Texas Bass Federation Nation to actually hold a casting competition at Expo this year. The winners of which can win prizes and all sorts of exciting things. You'll find complete details about the 2006 Texas Parks and Wildlife Expo on the TPWD web site. That's our show for today ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.