September 2006 Info for Listeners The following phone numbers and addresses are included in this month's programming. Please use this sheet, as a handy reference should any of our listeners contact your station seeking information mentioned on the air. Also on this page, consider keeping track of the numbers of calls you receive to help us gather information for future Listener Surveys. For general information on State Parks or 1-800-792-1112 Texas Parks & Wildlife Programs For State Park reservations 512-389-8900 TPW Internet Homepage September 1 -- Early Teal Season: Because blue wing teal are early migrants, as well as one of the most abundant migratory waterfowl species, it makes sense to have an early season. And this year, because their population is so robust, the early season is sixteen days long, beginning on September 9. This program is made possible by a grant from the Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration program. September 4 -- TPWD TV September Highlights: Watching Texas Parks and Wildlife television educates and entertains viewers, giving them a chance to learn about places they might want to one day explore. September 5 & 6 -- Lake Texana: Lake Texana State Park is 575 acres, east of Edna, in central Jackson County, halfway between Houston and Corpus Christi. The park was acquired by a 50-year lease agreement with the Bureau of Reclamation/Lavaca-Navidad River Authority in 1977 and was opened in September 1981. It celebrates its 25th anniversary this month, and you're invited. September 7 -- Outdoor Stories - Ray Hoese: When you take your child fishing and boating, you instill in them a lifelong love that can carry over to the next generation - as has been the case with Ray Hoese, who shares his outdoor story. This program is made possible by a grant from the Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration program. September 8 -- Kerr WMA: The Kerr Wildlife Management Area's primary mission is to function as a wildlife management, research, and demonstration site for trained personnel to conduct wildlife related studies and provide resultant information to resource managers, landowners, and other interested groups or individuals to acquaint them with proven practices in wildlife habitat management. This program is made possible by a grant from the Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration program. September 11 -- TPWD TV _ Environmental Police: There's a group of Game Wardens that take part in fighting environmental crimes. The work is long and tedious, and it may take years before they bring polluters to justice. But in the end, they believe it is worth the effort to protect fish, wildlife and habitat. This program is made possible by a grant from the Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration program. September 12 -- Monarch Watch: There is still much to learn about monarch butterflies, and you can help by becoming a volunteer for the Monarch Watch program at Texas Parks and Wildlife. September 13 -- Hunter's Choice: The Hunter's Choice experiment option for the Central Flyway gained approval from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and gives Texas waterfowlers more latitude during the entire season in exchange for a reduction to the daily bag limit from six to five birds. This program is made possible by a grant from the Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration program. September 14 -- Passport Legacies - Felix Cox: Felix Cox is a commercial fisherman from Aransas Pass. He's working to protect the fishing industry from economic and natural threats. Today he shares a story about when he lost his brand new fishing boat in a big Gulf storm. This program was produced in cooperation with the Conservation History Association of Texas, September 15 -- October Magazine Preview: Sky islands and Hunter hang-outs are just some of the stories you'll find in the October issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine. September 18 -- Longhorn Cattle Drive: Are you a city slicker looking for a cowboy experience? How about riding, roping and sleeping under the stars during a real longhorn cattle drive? Learn about how you can get involved in just that. September 19 & 20 -- Texas Antiquities & Archaeology: You're hiking in a state park, and spy something unusual on the side of the trail. You stop to get a closer look, and discover a very old, worn knife. The temptation may be to scoop it up and give it a place of honor on your fireplace mantel. But, that would be illegal. Learn about Texas antiquities and archaeology in these programs. September 21 -- State Parks after the Storm: It's been nearly a year since Hurricane Rita made landfall along the Texas coast, delivering a mighty blow to state parks in her path. It could have been a lot worse. September 22 -- National Hunting and Fishing Day: National Hunting and Fishing Day, celebrated the fourth Saturday of every September, remains the most effective grassroots effort ever undertaken to promote outdoor sports and conservation. This program is made possible by a grant from the Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration program. September 25 -- Government Canyon SNA: Leave No Trace: Government Canyon State Natural Area is 8,622 acres of unspoiled wilderness just twenty minutes southwest of San Antonio. It is also a partner in the Leave No Trace program that teaches people to do the least harm when outdoors. September 26 & 27 -- Texas Parks and Wildlife Expo: It's that time again - time for the annual Texas Parks and Wildlife Expo - the biggest celebration of the outdoors in Texas. This program is made possible by a grant from the Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration program. September 28 & 29 -- Giant Cicadas: If you live in Central Texas, you got an earful this summer. Giant Whining Cicadas have moved up from the south and are setting up housekeeping in your trees.