LEGACIES - MIKE BRADSHAW: Meet a game warden who recalls past run-ins with deer poachers ... Details ahead on Passport to Texas Legacies ____________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas Legacies from Texas Parks and Wildlife Mike Bradshaw has served as a game warden for Texas Parks and Wildlife since 1973, working to protect wildlife in the brush country of south Texas, principally Dimmit County. He recounts the early days of his career apprehending poachers. And, in those days, game wardens made lost of deer cases in South Texas. I can remember one season when Jim Pond and I caught sixty or sixty-five men apiece -- which is quite a load for a game warden to make. And, wardens all over south Texas were catching 'em like that. Oh, you'd have a little dry run in there were it seemed like you were snake bit, and then pretty soon, you could do no wrong again. You're out there catching them. And so, we were free and unfettered. We could just run all the hours we wanted. We had all the gas money we could ever run through that old automobile. We had fast cars and big engines. It was lots of fun. And the judges were available twenty-four hours a day. And when you'd catch one, you hauled him in, put him in jail, or you called that justice of the peace and got him in there. And it was pay or stay here in Dimmitt County. If they didn't have the money, well, they could make their call from the jail and they soon got the money. And, that's the way it was. :67 That's our show ... supported by the Conservation History Association of Texas ... visit them at texaslegacy.org ... for Texas Parks and Wildlife, I'm Cecilia Nasti