REMEMBER ME SEBASTOPOL: Celebrate 150 years of history at Sebastopol House ... details on Passport to Texas. (11/3) Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife You don't see many elaborate Greek-Revival homes in Texas, which is why the Sebastopol House in Seguin draws hundreds of visitors each year to its doors. Georgia Ruiz-Davis is Sebastopol site manager. The house is significant because of the construction method used to build it. It's a poured in place, un-reinforced limecrete, which is an early form of concrete. It's the best surviving example of that type of construction in the American south-west. :12 Build in 1856, the home celebrates its 150th anniversary this month with a tribute to those who made it a memorable site. Our focus will be a celebration of the house itself, but also of the people who passed through there. We want to make it a warm celebration. Anything that we can do to kind of foster the relationships between the house and the community and surrounding communities is one of our main goals. :15 Special guests, plus a unique exhibit, round out the afternoon's festivities. There will be a brief program. There are representatives from the families that have lived in the house. We've got refreshments and we also have an exhibit called 'Remember Me.' We're using a few objects to tie in the lives of the folks who lived in the house with their place in history. :16 Sebastopol's 150th anniversary celebration takes place tomorrow, from 4 to 6 p.m. The "Remember Me" exhibit runs through May. Find more on Sebastopol House at the Texas Parks & Wildlife website. That's our show for today ... with research and writing help from Loren Seeger ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti