TPWD TV - MIGRATING MUSE: When art and nature meet in the rolling plains ... Details ahead on Passport to Texas ____________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Texas is the winter home to the largest concentration of Sandhill Cranes in the world, and this week, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Television series brings them to you in a segment called Migrating Muse ... writer/producer Abe Moore. The story is on the sandhill crane as it migrates into Texas. And I used an artist - named Bruce Defore, who's up in the Panhandle - as a conduit. He paints and sketches wildlife art out in the field. :12 [1Aa] In a photograph, it doesn't matter how good it is, you can't get the true color. So, you have to come outdoors to see nature for yourself. :09 [1A] Did you know much about sandhill cranes before you started doing this shoot? Well, I did a little bit. I'm from Nebraska, and so that's where they really concentrate, but to see how they act and behave in Texas is quite different. So, do you feel you learned something from doing this story? I did! One thing I learned is just the immense calls [insert crane calls] that they make. You'll hear in the story these calls as they're flying in the sky. It's deafening, and something I'll never forget. :25 [1Bb] We're lucky to get the action we've seen today. To see them flying overhead - it's a rare sight. I'm blessed to be a part of it. :07 [1B] The series airs on PBS stations ... check your local listings. That's our show for today ... thank you for joining us ... for Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.