STATE PARK CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT: A Christmas collectible that supports state parks ... Details ahead on Passport to Texas ____________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife A Christmas collectible that supports state parks debuted during Texas Parks and Wildlife Expo last month. We have different park ornaments for specific state parks. And then we have the state park system ornament, which is what debuted at Expo, and what we're introducing now. It's actually the oh-seven model; it's kind of like a car - it comes out a year ahead of time. :12 Bryan Frazier handles promotions and marketing for state parks, and describes this gold-plated, brass ornament. It features Indian Lodge, Mission Tejas ... it has a little icon of a crested caracara bird, and a black-eyed Susan wildflower, and a kayak, and some other things. People who have these have come to look for them and they've really become a popular collector's item throughout our state park system. :17 The ornaments are only $4.95 plus tax, and available at all Texas state parks. The money, when they purchase an ornament, goes to benefit state parks, and people realize that as well - that they're making a little difference, and taking a little token of state parks back with them. :09 Interested in adding the 2007 State Park Christmas ornament to your collection? Then visit a state park near you, or call 512.389.8900. That's our show ... thank you for joining us ... for Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.