OUTDOOR STORIES - DONNA WILKINS: A mother talks about making the commitment to spend time outdoors with her family ... details on Passport to Texas Outdoor Stories ____________________________________________________________ PTT Outdoor Stories from Texas Parks and Wildlife Donna Wilkins is a busy Austin mother of twin seven year old sons, as well as step mother to four older children. In addition to running her own business, she says she and her husband Dan make spending time outdoors a priority for their family. Well, we look for things that we like to do together. So, it can be walking the dog in the neighborhood; it can be coming to someplace here like the botanical gardens, and being able to explore something new that's kind of a treat for us; it can be taking advantage of the hike and bike trail. We're lucky that we live in Austin because there are so many outdoor things we can do. Do you all camp at all? Yes we do. The boys are in the Cub Scouts, so we've got a couple of camping trips each year. We're going to be going in two weeks out at Lost Pines at the Cub Scout grounds out there. It's a great facility out there. A great opportunity for the boys to be able to run around, and kind of go wild, and a lot of those days are unstructured -- which ends up being what the kids seem to like the most. So, a lot of things that we like to do together, and like to go explore new places ... and some things that might seem ordinary actually can end up being some of the most exciting. The best way to get them out is to make it part of your lifestyle, too. :54 For the Wilkins family - life's better outside. Visit lifesbetteroutside.org for ways to spend time in nature with your family. That's our show for today ... Thanks you for joining us ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.