DECEMBER MAGAZINE --HIGHLIGHTS: Lone Star land Stewards, tamaladas and gifts for gear heads ... on Passport to Texas. Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife The December issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine highlights lone land stewards, tamale making and gifts for gadget lovers ... Associate publisher, Charles Lohrmann explains ... Well, we have an article about the Treadwell family ranch, which are Menard and McCullough counties out near Brady. And they are the winners of the Lone Star Land steward award. They really transformed about an eight-thousand acre ranch that had been overgrazed, and looked like a parking lot, as they said. And now, with the judicious use of controlled burns, and planting native grasses and cutting away some of the cedar, they've transformed this ranch ... And it's a great story for Texans who want to know more about land management and what's happening with some of the land that's been abused. And, another interesting thing, which actually is a holiday story, is about tamalada, which is just a tamale making story, which is something a lot of people may want to do. And if you've got a gear fanatic on your Christmas list, we'll have Gibbs Milliken's annual gear guide. So, a lot of great new things for your holiday gift giving ideas. Or, maybe just to buy yourself a new piece of gear. :53 Look for the December issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine on newsstands around mid month.