VARNER-HOGG VOLUNTEERS/HOLIDAY: Volunteer to help this colonial estate celebrate the winter holidays ... details on Passport to Texas. (Dec 1) Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Varner-Hogg Plantation invites visitors to attend the December open house this holiday season. Local volunteers deck the halls of the historic site and need your help in keeping the West Columbia tradition. We have a volunteer group that has been in existence for a couple of decades now. They do a number of events here at the site, including Christmas. :08 Kandy Taylor-Hille, Site Manager at Varner-Hogg. They decorate the grounds for us and they have a huge open house for the community. We waive fees for that day as a thank- you and a gift to the community. We do a traditional Christmas as it would have been celebrated at this site in the 1850s on the inside of the house and then just holiday happenings all over the park itself. There's craftsmen who come out and demonstrate blacksmithing and rope making, just all sorts of different things. It's a lot of fun and the volunteers are a huge instigator of that and take care of a lot of that work for us. They help us do the things that we can't do with our limited staff, and so we can't imagine doing it without them. :35 The holiday celebration will be on December 2 from 10am -2pm. Refreshments, tours, period craftsman and an evening parade in the city will also be offered. Details about how to become a Varner-Hogg volunteer can be found on the Texas Parks & Wildlife website. That's our show for today ... with research and writing help from Loren Seeger ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:43.0 Maximum Script time: 0:42.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25