TPWD TV - CHESTER'S ISLAND: Meet an old-timer who almost single handedly brought back the endangered brown pelican ... Details on Passport to Texas (Week of Dec 11) ____________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife One person can make a difference, and the Texas Parks and Wildlife television show that airs this week introduces you to one such man. Don Cash oversees the series' production. The story is really a personality piece on a gentleman named Chester Smith, and Chester is 85 years old. And he is what is known as an island warden for the Audubon Society. He almost single handedly has helped bring back the endangered brown pelican on part of the Texas coast down near Port O'Conner. It makes me feel good. It feels like all the work that me and the volunteers have done has been successful. This little island, called Sundown Island, that's out in Matagorda Bay, and Chester has been working there for over twenty years. My plans were to retire when I was eighty-five. I've already passed that date, and now I'm trying to make ninety; I've been encouraged to make a hundred (laughs). And the brown pelican has just made an amazing comeback. A lot of it is in part to what one man has done. What would you like viewers to come away with from having seen this piece, Don? People think, 'Well, you know I'm one person; what can I do to affect something.' And, Chester Smith is one person, and he has had a huge impact on the brown pelican population :69 The Texas Parks and Wildlife television series airs on PBS stations statewide. Check your local listings. That's our show ... thank you for joining us ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti Total sound bite time: 0:69.0 Maximum Script time: 0:17.0 Suggested show time: 86.0 = 1:26