KID FISHING DAY AT FORT RICHARDSON : Reel in fun AND fish this month at Kid's Fishing Day ... details on Passport To Texas. (Week of Dec 11) Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Each winter, Fort Richardson stocks their catfish and bass filled lake with coldwater fish. The state park, just northwest of Fort Worth, then celebrates the event and fresh supply by hosting an annual Kid's Fishing Day. We have an eight acre quarry lake that's directly behind the park headquarters. During December and January when the water temperatures get cold enough, we stock it with rainbow trout, and the first opportunity at those trout we kind of turn over to the kids. :13 Randy Ferris, Park Superintendent at Fort Richardson. Trout come from the fish hatcheries either here in Texas or in neighboring states. They have to have a cooler water temperature than the bass or the catfish do. When the water warms up, the trout will either die off and become food for the catfish on the bottom or as the bass start to wake up, they'll start to eat the trout as well and that just helps our bass population. It's just something to keep a year round fishing scene going on in the park. :22 Trout Stocking and Kids Fishing Day at Fort Richardson will be Saturday, December 16 from 9:00AM until noon. It' just a great day to come out. This is almost a guaranteed chance the kid's going to catch something. The kids get excited when they catch something the first time and hopefully we're ingraining some future fishermen in there. :10 Details about Fort Richardson can be found on the Texas Parks & Wildlife website. That's our show for today ... with research and writing help from Loren Seeger ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti Total sound bite time: 0:45.0 Maximum Script time: 0:42.0 Suggested show time: 87.0 = 1:27