WHITE-TAILED PERMUTATIONS: How stag bucks are like mooching friends ... Details ahead on Passport to Texas PTT from TPW and the Wildlife Restoration Program You never know what you'll learn when you talk with a wildlife biologist. A stag buck is a sterile buck. They do not have much testicular development. And, they never shed their antlers. Never. :09 See what I mean? Mitch Lockwood is in charge of the state's white-tailed deer program. The Mason and Llano County areas have seen more than their share of stag bucks. Being that it is, more or less, isolated to that central mineral basin, or that Llano uplift area, many of us believe that there's a strong correlation with the soils in that area. Perhaps a particular plant that's growing under certain environmental conditions on those soils that contributes to that characteristic. But, we can't say for sure. :21 Stags are like the unemployed friend that sleeps on your sofa, eats your favorite food, and watches pay-per-view, without contributing to the household. They're not contributing to that population. And, a lot of hunters wonder - is he creating harm in some way? It's the same harm that other deer are creating out there - in that they're eating habitat. Many people would like to manage for bucks that are going to contribute to that population. And in that case, they would want to remove deer that are eating groceries and making no contribution. :20 Did we mention it's deer hunting season? That's our show for today ... supported by the Wildlife restoration Program ... providing funding for the operations and management of more than 50 wildlife management areas. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti Total sound bite time: 0:50.0 Maximum Script time: 0:36.0 Suggested show time: 86.0 = 1:26