HUNTING WATERFOWL: It's waterfowl season ... if you plan to go hunting, better get "quacking" ... details on Passport to Texas PTT from TPW and the Wildlife Restoration Program If teal season was any indication, waterfowl season in general ought to be pro-duck-tive. Well, hopefully. We're still in a state of trying to repair the marshes from the damage done by the hurricanes last year. The teal season was great along our mid-coast. :10 Vickie Fite, Parks and Wildlife's public hunting coordinator, says a forty-eight dollar public hunting permit gives waterfowlers access to plentiful hunting opportunities. You can go online and locate the public hunting areas that are near you before you even think about purchasing the permit. Just go out there and check out what we have to offer. And remember, with the forty-eight dollar public hunting permit, it offers a great opportunity for day hunts or even weekend hunts during the holidays. :17 Call site managers for the latest update on the marshes and best places to participate in this economical sport. If you've got some camo, and you've got a shotgun, you're pretty much ready to go, as far as it comes to waterfowl hunting - or any of the bird hunting. Because the shotgun, and the shells for the shotgun are fairly inexpensive as compared to the high powered rifles or a place to use that high powered rifle. :15 Texas Parks and Wildlife website has all the information you need to prepare for a great hunting experience. That's our show for today ... supported by the Wildlife restoration Program ... providing funding for the operations and management of more than 50 wildlife management areas. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti Total sound bite time: 0:42.0 Maximum Script time: 0:44.0 Suggested show time: 86.0 = 1:26