OUTDOOR STORIES - CHARLES LOHRMANN: Migration stirs the soul of this man ... details on Passport to Texas Outdoor Stories Passport to Texas Outdoor Stories from TP and Wildlife When you love the outdoors ... and make it part of your life ... and perhaps even your work ... you may be hard pressed to come up with one moment in nature as being most memorable for you. Texas Parks and Wildlife Associate Publisher Charles Lohrmann took on the challenge, and shares his outdoor story. When you asked me to describe one of my most memorable Texas outdoor moments, I thought about a particular amazing sunrise over the gulf in Padre Island, and then sort of a psychedelic sunset at Big Bend. And then, one afternoon I was out birding, and saw a bobcat who seemed to watching me as I was birding. But, then I realized that the moments I really find the most stirring are the times when I can witness a migration. Whether it's ducks or geese flying high overhead, or monarchs fluttering past the office building on their trip south. I realized, many of these creatures are flying on pure instinct. So when I see these birds flying, it's like the perfect embodiment of hope. And I feel like I can sense the earth's heartbeat at that time, and that I'm connected to something far greater than my imagination. :49 We invite you to share your most memorable Texas outdoor moment with us ... visit passporttotexas.org for contact information. That's our show for today ... thank you for joining us ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti