RAINWATER COLLECTION: Talk about making the best out of a rainy day! ... details on Passport To Texas. Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife While some may frown on a cloudy sky, engineer John Kight welcomes the rain. His household has been using rainwater as an alternative water source for the past 5 years, and wants YOU to know about some of the advantages. Well, I think it's important because, well first of all, it is better quality water. It's a more sustainable source or supple of water. But up in the Hill Country here with all development that's occurring, there's not enough ground water to support the continued development up in the Hill Country. They're going to have to look for different water sources, and rainwater is one of the best ones to look for. :19 The Kendall county rainwater expert will share some techniques and advice to those interested in water conservation during an upcoming seminar. It's not hard. A properly designed system will sustain you through a drought of record, and we've got 6400 square foot of roof area on the house and the garage. So with that, theoretically you can pick up 4000 gallons per inch of rain. Every morning I read my water meters, so I know exactly how much water we've used. It's something that's a very doable thing. It's something that people who that live out in the country already consider as their primary source of water rather than even worrying about a well. :26 John Kight's rainwater collection presentation will be Saturday, January 13th from 9 until 11 AM at Government Canyon State Park. Admission is free, but reservations are required. Details about alternative water supplies can be found on the Texas Parks & Wildlife website. That's our show for today ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti