TEXAS FRESHWATER FISHERIES CENTER : Who's stocking Texas lakes and streams with big-mouthed bass? ... we'll tell you on Passport to Texas. _______________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife and the Sport Fish Restoration Program Texas waters have been a favorite among anglers thanks to the variety of game fish offered. What you might not know is that hatcheries throughout the state help improve the quality and populations of these fish. We have seen Texas fishing be ranked as some of the highest in the nation. :04 Allen Forshage, Director of the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center in Athens. This is primarily because of our aggressive fisheries management, such as stocking, as well as our harvest regulations recommendations, and the idea of protecting fisheries so they produce a quality fish over a longer period of time. The Fisheries Center was built in an effort to try to do more outreach to get people interested in fish and fishing. :21 The Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center Hatchery contains thirty seven surface acres of production tanks and is one of the state's five thriving hatcheries. We produce more large-mouth bass stocking in the public lakes than anything else. In addition to that, we raise channel catfish for stocking primarily in the urban lakes and we also transport most of the rainbow trout for the northern part of the state for stocking in the urban lakes for catch and release programs. :16 Details about the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center can be found on the Texas Parks & Wildlife website. That's our show for today ... with research and writing help from Loren Seeger ... its supported by the Sport Fish Restoration Program ... providing funding for the operations and management of the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia