FEBRUARY MAGAZINE PREVIEW: It might still be winter, but it's still a great time to think about what to do with the kids this summer ... Details on Passport to Texas ____________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife The Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine is a must read for parents who are looking for worthwhile activities for their kids to participate in this summer. Associate publisher Charles Lohrmann says the February issue has just what you're looking for. You know, February is still in the middle of the season we call winter here in Texas. But, it's not too early to start thinking about the summer, and our February issue has a cover story on summer camps for kids. You know, summer camps bring up all kinds of memories for people, and it's a great time for kids to learn all kinds of things, really. And we cover about forty camps all over the state. And, a good many of them offer the typical camp activities like horseback riding, and archery, and swimming, and canoeing, and all that, but there are some that offer really unique activities. For example, the Texas A&M University Sea Camp in Galveston offers kids the opportunity to learn more about marine biology and coastal ecology. But we have camps in all areas of the state and in all price ranges. So, this will be a really good issue for parents who want to keep the kids busy this summer. :55 It's never too early to start planning for summer. The February issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine with all the camp recommendations is on newsstands now. That's our show ... thank you for joining us ... Bill Harwell engineered our program ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti