LANDMARK INN QUILT SHOW: Attend this first ever showing of antique and vintage quilts at Landmark Inn ... details on Passport to Texas. (Feb. 1) Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife The women of Castroville have been making history ... one stitch at a time. We have a group of - I would say -fifty to sixty quilters here in Castroville that are really keeping alive the tradition of - I guess you would call them - old world crafts that tend to be dying out in our modern society. :13 Ken Conway manages Landmark Inn, an 1840's state owned bed and breakfast, in Castroville, just west of San Antonio. February 4 through 18, antique and vintage quilts will be on display at the Inn. This will be a first-ever showing of this particular collection. There will be about thirty to forty quilts on display in our reception hall. :09 Quilts are more than blankets - they are works of art that preserve the history of their time. I look at the particular composition of some of these quilts, and they truly are works of art. And, I'm not artistic, and maybe that's why I appreciate it even more when I see someone who is, and who can design something in their head, and then put it on clothe, and it just looks just great. :16 Cost to attend the show is two dollars for adults, and free for children twelve and under. Guests of the Inn get in free. Find more information about Landmark Inn and the quilt show on the Texas Parks and Wildlife web site. That's our show for today ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti Total sound bite time: 0:38.0 Maximum Script time: 0:48.0 Suggested show time: 86.0 = 1:26