TPWD TV - FISHING PIERS: Fishing with your peers on piers ... learn more on Passport to Texas ____________________________________________________________ PTT from TPWD and the Sport Fish Restoration Program This month the Texas Parks and Wildlife Television series, on PBS stations statewide, airs a segment Production Manager Don Cash says, is a road trip that will open your eyes about pier fishing. It's traveling all the way from Galveston all the way down to Corpus Christi, hitting the fishing piers along that area of the coast just to see who's out there fishing and what they're fishing for. Everybody thinks seems to think you have to have a boat to fish along the coast, but a lot of people take advantage of the fishing piers that stick, sometimes, 2-thousand feet out in the water, and catch everything from sharks to speckled trout to hard head catfish to huge red drum, all off a fishing pier. We didn't see any really big fish caught, but we did see a lot of fish caught. So, you get just a huge variety of fish that you can catch off a pier, and you get a huge variety of people who are fishing off a fishing piers: it's kids, it's older folks, it's men, women, children ... . And what I found was they were really nice to each other. Everybody's talking, 'What have you got ... want to see what you've got ... I want to see what you're fishing with ... oh here's an idea ... why don't you try this. If you're pulling up something you don't know how to deal with it, somebody's there to help you get it off the hook. So, the people were really friendly and get along and have a great time whether they're catching fish or not. 1:06 Check your local listings. That's our show ... supported by the Sport Fish Restoration Program ... providing funding for the operations and management of Sea Center Texas ... . For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti Total sound bite time: 0:66.0 Maximum Script time: 0:20.0 Suggested show time: 86.0 = 1:26