OUTDOOR STORIES - BRENT FRAZIER: A love of the outdoors begins at a young age ... details on Passport to Texas Outdoor Stories Passport to Texas Outdoor Stories from TP and Wildlife Most people with a passion for nature and the outdoors were introduced as youngsters. Such is the case of Menard resident Brent Frazier, who shares his outdoor story of hunting and fishing with his dad. My earliest outdoor memory is hunting with my dad when I was seven. But, fishing came in right there about the same time I started fishing on the San Saba there in Menard. Well, the water's great. There's tons of catfish. Lots of things to look at. It's one of a kind. Definitely one of a kind. It's not real big, but right now - especially it's moving lots of water - and there's always, as long as I can remember, always been lost of fish in there to catch. Bass, catfish, crappie, perch - whatever you want to try to catch. In Menard, it's pretty small. There's not really a whole lot to do. There are no factories and no big employers there in town. So you have to work on ranches - day work - to make a living. And then, on your weekends and days off, you've got the river. :45 We invite you to share your most memorable Texas outdoor moment with us ... visit passporttotexas.org for contact information. And remember: Life's Better Outside. That's our show for today ... thank you for joining us ... Joel Block engineers our program at the Production Block Studios in Austin ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti Total sound bite time: 0:61.0 Maximum Script time: 0:25.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:26