HUNTER EDUCATION: It takes a weekend to learn hunting skills and a lifetime to perfect them. Details are ahead on Passport to Texas. ____________________________________________________________ PTT from TPWD and the Wildlife Restoration program Hunting licenses go on sale next month. And if you're a new hunter, or new to Texas, taking a hunter education class will prepare you for the seasons ahead. Hunter education teaches hunting safety, skills and responsibility. And mandatory hunter education, taught over the course of a weekend, became law in 1988. Steve Hall, Parks and Wildlife's Director of Education, says hunter education is the first step in a lifelong pledge to safety and sportsmanship. Hunter education is actually targeting those aged 12 through 16 years of age. And that's kind of the way the law is designed. It's to try to get them early enough in their hunting process to make a difference. We deal with any youngster even under age twelve that just simply wants to learn about firearm safety or handling of an air gun or you know daisy BB gun. Are they doing that right? It's no longer acceptable for a kid to go out their backdoor, even in a rural setting, and go plinking with a BB gun. So we help them to understand safety first of all, but also their image. And that's the kind of thing we try to teach. Hunter education classes are ongoing statewide. Find classes near you by visiting our That's our show ... made possible by the Wildlife Restoration program ... helping to increase hunting and shooting opportunities in Texas. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.