MARSH WALK: Find out what's affecting the wetlands at this state park ... details on Passport to Texas. PTT from TPW and the Wildlife Restoration Program You may think a marsh area is the same as any other waterlogged piece of land, but Goose Island SP interpreter Mike Mullenwig, begs to differ. A marsh is a type of wetland. In this case, a marsh is a wetland that is distinguished by the vegetation that is growing in it, which would be low grasses and shrubs. If you have a wetland that has tall wooded plants, that would be considered a swamp. :16 Development is often to blame for loss of marshland, but not at Goose Island SP near. Wind and waves from the gulf have eroded significant portion of the land. At Goose Island over the past 25 years, almost close to 35 years, we have lost roughly 25 acres of marshland due to erosion. So, the marsh walk that I do talks about what Texas Parks and Wildlife is doing to restore the wetlands here around Goose Island. :18 Attend a Marsh Walk at Goose Island with interpreter Mullenwig, and learn about this fascinating ecological resource. The plants that we look at on our marsh walk include the frontline grass, and that's the smooth Court Grass. It's a super salt tolerant grass. In fact, it's growing in salt water. As far as the animals living out there, probably the most noticeable that you will see are of course the Brown Pelican and Great Blue Herons. :19 The Marsh Walk is Saturday, August 4th from 10 to 11 AM at Goose Island in Rockport. The program is free with park entrance fee. That's our show for today ... with research and writing help from Loren Seeger...For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti