NOVEMBER MAGAZINE PREVIEW: Remembering a stately lady and keeping an eye on a state bird ... on Passport to Texas. PTT from TPW and the Wildlife Restoration Program It may be October, but the November issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine is available for your reading pleasure now. Managing Editor, Louie Bond, highlights a couple of stories that you won't want to miss. In our November issue we say good-bye to Lady Bird Johnson who, of course, was a great friend to Texas Parks and Wildlife. And we have a poignant essay by Barbara Rodriguez, who felt like so many of us that she lost a member of the family when Lady Bird passed away. But, our cover story in November is about quail. Because quail season runs through February twenty-fourth and, as we know, Texas hunters are passionate about this little game bird. But he has very special needs as far as weather and terrain. Some years you can practically trip over them, and some years all that thrives are grass burs and prickly pear. So, now folks are getting together and they're organizing wildlife cooperatives in order to try to control the situation. They say that last year was a bust, but this year with all the rain - it's pretty optimistic. So, quail hunters have every reason to be quite happy and looking forward to quail season. The November issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine is on newsstands now. That's our show for today ... with support from the Wildlife restoration program...working to increase shooting and hunting opportunities in Texas... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.