PROPOSITION FOUR: Voters have a chance to improve state parks across Texas ...on Passport to Texas ____________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife November sixth, Texans vote on a number of constitutional amendments, including Proposition 4. Proposition four is a bond issue that would provide funding for many state agencies to make major capital repairs to the facilities that are already existing out there. :08 Scott Boruff is Deputy Executive Director of Operations. For Texas Parks and Wildlife it would mean approximately fifty-two million dollars in capital repair money, split evenly between the Battleship Texas, which is in desperate need of some significant repairs, and the rest of the system. :12 Repairs to the rest of the state park system will include wastewater systems, restrooms, new roofs and other capital repairs. The proposition four issue we believe will be about one billion dollars - with a b. Of which, only fifty-two million is for Parks and Wildlife. And so, it's a pretty small percentage of the overall bond issue. I do think parks involvement in bond issues have driven the proposals in the past. And, parks are popular and it is one of those things that I think helps get people out to vote. :20 Tomorrow -- how proposition four would make monies available for the Battleship Texas. That's our show for today... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.