TPWD TV - PANHANDLE FIRES THEN AND NOW: Nature rebounds after a deadly fire ... on Passport to Texas. Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife The Texas Panhandle suffered devastating fires in March 2006. This month, a story by TPW TV series producer Don Cash, highlights the habitat and wildlife before and after the blaze. One of the places that burned during the panhandle fires was an area where I had shot a story three years earlier on lesser prairie chickens. So, I decided I would go and be able to compare before the fires, and went up a couple of weeks after the fires ... Trees, shrubs, uh, all the grass is gone. All cover. All habitat for all wildlife is at this point gone. For the most part the wildlife are on their own. And then went back a year after the fires. And so its sort of a look at how the habitat makes a very strong comeback after fires like this. These animals have living up here on the prairie for thousands and thousands of years. And this isn't their first fire. They'll come back, and they will all recover. When I went up there three weeks after the fire, there were some areas that were just sand, which - a month before - had been hip deep in grasses. They had had a little bit of rain a week after the fires, and there was already plants starting to poke through four or five inches of sand that quickly. So, the land is very resilient. Nature does a good job of brining itself back. 1:04 Thanks, Don. Visit for a complete listing of stations airing the series. That's our show for today...for Texas Parks and Wildlife...I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:64.0 Maximum Script time: 0:21.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25