OUTDOOR FAMILIES - UNPLUGGED: Families learn the skills they need to enjoy the outdoors together ... details on Passport to Texas. Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife If you didn't grow up spending time outdoors, you may have concerns about what it takes to enjoy nature. There's a lot of misconception that it's much more complicated - that it's not safe. And all those aren't true, but if someone hasn't take you out, or hasn't shown you the opposite, that could really prevent you from taking your family. :11 Ashley Mathews oversees the Outdoor Families program for Parks and Wildlife. The program offers families opportunities to participate in overnight campouts where they'll learn skills to help them get them most out of their experience. We also want to make sure that these families know how to feed themselves; that's really important. It's one thing to get out there, but once you're out there and you don't know what to do to get yourselves fed, that's no fun. So, we have them cook for themselves; we always have a campfire and s'mores - the traditional things we think about camping. And we usually try to take a night hike with the kids. :16 Although many activities are for the kiddos. ... We don't forget the parents. We're going to make you get in a kayak, we're going to put a fly rod in your hand; we don't want you to just sit on the sidelines and watch your kid have fun. We want you to get as enthusiastic and as excited about the outdoors as they are. :11 Find the next outdoor family adventure at passporttotexa.org. That's our show for today ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti Total sound bite time: 0:38.0 Maximum Script time: 0:47.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25