TPWD TV - PARK MANAGER TODD IMBODEN: Balancing home life and park life ... on Passport to Texas. Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Tom Imboden, manages Palmetto SP in Gonzales County, and performs a daily balancing act between the park and his personal life. Ron Kabele tells Todd's story this month in a TPW TV segment. So, how does he balance that and being a dad? And it was a cool thing to learn about how a park manager does that. People think like a park manager, you're out there in the park all day. You're not. It's not an easy job. It's not a particularly glamorous one, either. A perfect example of this is toilet paper. The average Joe doesn't think about how much toilet paper the park uses, but we use a lot of it! In addition to being the park manager, he's very involved in the community, and in his sons lives. He's one of the coaches on the little league team. He talks in his kids' schools. He's great at show and tell. This is a Kemp's Ridley shell. That's a big turtle, isn't it? See how big his head is? It's almost as big as yours. See? Look at that! (laughter). And, another neat thing about Todd, he started here when he was twenty hears old as a janitor. I didn't have a clue what I wanted to do, or where I wanted to go. A friend of mine, he told me he could get me a job. I showed up that day. And they gave me a janitor's cart to clean the bathroom. So he came up through the maintenance areas, then he became a park ranger, then he became an assistant manager, and now he's a manager. Someday he'll probably be a division chief. When people think about Todd, he's the epitome of what a park manager is. 1:09 Visit for a complete listing of stations airing the series. That's our show for today...for Texas Parks and Wildlife...I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:69.0 Maximum Script time: 0:16.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25