HOLIDAY EVENTS IN STATE PARKS: State parks offer opportunities to celebrate the holidays ... on Passport to Texas. ____________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Most Texans live within ninety minutes of a state park... and many state parks offer holiday events to get you in the spirit of the season. Throughout the month, Monument Hill & Kreische Brewery State Historic Site, in Central Texas, invites visitors to walk a glittery quarter mile long trail of lights that overlooks the quaint town of La Grange. Get a sense of how German settlers in the area celebrated the holiday in the 1850s. Admission is $3 for adults and a dollar for children. On December 15, celebrate the "nature" of the season at Sheldon Lake State Park in the Gulf Coast region. Kids of all ages get a chance to create wildlife-inspired ornaments to take home, or to use as decorations on trees at the site. A trip to the Hill country on December 16 is in order for the annual tree lighting ceremony at LBJ state park and historic site ... an event started 38 years ago by President and Mrs. Johnson ... and made more poignant with the passing of Lady Bird Johnson earlier this year. It's a step back in time, and it's free. Finally, on December 21, a visit to Government Canyon SNA will put you in touch with how Native Americans celebrated special occasions. This is part one of a three- part series. Find complete details about these and other holiday events when you visit our website That's our show for today ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:00.0 Maximum Script time: 0:85.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25