INVASIVE PLANTS: These plants are like guests that make pests of themselves. Details ahead on Passport to Texas ____________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Fall is a fantastic time to renew your landscape, but be careful what you plant. A lot of times we'll go into the businesses [garden center], and we see a plant that's labeled 'well-adapted'. Well, a lot of those well-adapted plants are actually highly invasive in our Texas environment. There's a movement afoot to do something about it - to cut down on their use :09 Mark Klym oversees the wildscape program at Texas Parks and Wildlife. He says well-adapted, yet invasive species create problems. Those plants include things like privet, red-tipped photinia, ligustrum, pyrocantha. :05 While these species may show up in bird books as ideal plants to use in bird attracting garden ... Be careful with them. They are highly invasive; all across the US people are complaining about them in the landscape because they create a monoculture out there, and eliminate a lot of our native plants. And without our native plants, we could lose a lot of our native wildlife. :12 The Texas Parks and Wildlife website has a native plant database where you can find plants for your landscape that will benefit wildlife. Just because it does look great in a landscape, and you do see a couple of birds sitting on them - I got one of my favorite pictures of a Costas Hummingbird sitting in privet down in Rockport - but, that doesn't mean that's a good plant for us to use in our garden. :11 That's our show for today ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.