VALENTINE FAMILY: Connecting love with family and the great outdoors on this Valentine's Day ... details ahead on passport to Texas ____________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Although Valentine's Day is typically for couples, why not make it a family affair? Grab your sweetheart and the kids and get outside to enjoy a variety of outdoor activities. Fishing is a simple and economical activity everyone can enjoy, and when you take your family to a Texas state park, you'll fish for free. In addition, many state park lakes are stocked with rainbow trout this winter -- an easy-to-catch, and tasty fish. If you live in the Houston area, head over to the Sea Center of Texas, in Lake Jackson, where your family can learn about conserving coastal wetlands. The center also provides a "touch tank" so the kids can get up-close and personal with marine critters. If you live in the Dallas area, check out Cedar Hills State Park for a family retreat. Spend time on 75-hundred acre Joe Pool Lake relaxing in a boat, or on shore. We have more suggestions for outdoor family fun at Family is love and sharing your love for the great outdoors can bring you closer together. That's our show ... with research and writing help from Alanna Jones... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.