TPW TV -- APRIL FEATURE: Fishing in the dark ... we'll explain on Passport to Texas ___________________________________________________ PTT from TPW and the Sport Fish Restoration Program Fishing the late shift is a feature you'll see this month on the Texas Parks and Wildlife TV series. Producer, Alan Fisher. Fishing is a favorite pastime, coastal and inland, but there's this whole other little subculture out there; people who like to fish at night. So, when you were talking to these nighttime fisher folk, what did they say the appeal was of doing their fishy business in the darkness. Everybody seems to have their own reasons for fishing in the dark. I think for a lot of folks, in the summertime, there's a good reason in Texas, it's a little more pleasant to be on a pier or in a boat in August. But there are people who fish at night in the wintertime, too. So, it's not just the weather. Some people insist that it's the best time to fish, that you'll catch more fish, and that the fishing is better -- and there are some possible reasons for that. The lights on a pier, or people who fish with lights from a boat, say that it draws in bugs and baitfish, and that seems to attract the fish at night. So, there's some science, I suppose, behind that. But, also, it tends to calm down a little bit at night. Sometimes the heat causes a lot of wind, and maybe that's not so good for fishing. At night you get the still waters, and sometimes its just a little more pleasant to be outside. :67 Thanks, Alan. That's our show ... we receive support from the Sport Fish Restoration program ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.