FIREWISE LANDSCAPING: Landscaping plants that attract wildlife, not wildfires ... on Passport to Texas ____________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife During extended periods of drought, when the risk of wildfires is highest, your plant choices and their placement in the landscape could make your home vulnerable to fire damage. While we do want to encourage the use of shrubs and brush around the home, we don't want to encourage it right up against the home. Especially things that are extremely flammable ... :09 Flammable plants include yaupon holly and cedar, among others. Marks Klym coordinates the Texas Wildscapes program. With the Texas Forest Service's Firewise program, Klym says the Wildscapes program helps people choose less fire friendly plants. Something that's got a higher water content. Things that don't tend to take fire from the ground towards the roof, because the roof is a sensitive area in most homes. Things that don't take fire from the ground up into your window frames, which is another very sensitive area. You want to avoid our tall native grasses, because they have a tendency to dry out and become a firebox. Certainly, the other thing you can do is use that area for your hardscapes. Things like rock walls ... walkways. These become a good barrier that the firs has difficulty jumping, unless you've got forty mile an hour winds. :30 We have the link to the Texas Fire-wise website, at, as well as a list a plants to avoid planting around the foundation of your home. That's our show ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.