OUTDOOR FAMILIES: Families learn how to enjoy the outdoors in one easy weekend ... on Passport to Texas. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Susan Gonzales' family knew nothing about the outdoors ... We've always wanted to go camping, but we didn't know where to start. :03 So, she brought her husband and children to Steeplechase Park in Kyle last month for a Texas Outdoor Family Workshop. Now we feel more comfortable to be outdoors. We know what to do -- the things that we're going to need, what to bring, and cook, and stuff like that (laughs). :09 The Kyle Parks and Recreation staff, and students from Texas State University in San Marcos, mentored the families. Susan's daughter Marisol tells us what she learned. Mmmm ... How to use a compass, and how to set up a tent, and fish and all that. :07 Susan Gonzales says her family will use their newfound outdoor skills at Texas State Parks. I got a really great guide -- the Texas State Park Guide -- so we're going to look through it, and sit down and see what we like and what we want to go see. So, do you think that you're going to talk other friends and family into joining you? Oh, definitely yes. It's a great experience that I'm having today, so I'm going to definitely tell them about it. :16 That's our show for today, with support from Toyota, reminding you to do whatever it takes to get your kids outside. For fun family ideas, go to lifesbetteroutside.org. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti