FISHING AND FAMILY: A summer bonding ritual families can take to the bank ... details on Passport to Texas. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ PTT from TPW and the Sport Fish Restoration Program [School bell rings] As school bells ring out the last day of classes across the state, parents seek ways to keep their children occupied without breaking the bank. May we suggest free fishing at state parks? Texas state parks are a great place to go fishing because you don't have to have a license. :04 Ann miller, aquatic education coordinator, says taking the family fishing at a state park is not only economical, but can also help parents and children reconnect. Fishing is wonderful because it gives time away from normal duties for the parents to enjoy the children. It puts all the family in a different atmosphere to focus on one another for a change, instead of all the other distractions of everyday living. :16 Beginning this month, leave everyday issues behind when you take the family to a state park for free fishing events. These events are made to help beginners who are just getting started in fishing learn how to fish, And that will be beginners ages six on up, by the way, so you don't have to be a child. Some of the events are more children oriented, but they're really family oriented events. :16 Find a link to these events at That's our show for today ... we receive support for our program from the Sport Fish restoration Program ... reminding you that Saturday June 7 is Free Fishing Day in Texas ... .For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.