OUTDOOR FAMILIES: Find out about a weekend where families learn outdoor skills ... on Passport to Texas. Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Pam Dehne (DAY-nuh), who lives in Austin, brought her children to Kyle recently for a Texas Outdoor Family Workshop -- a hands-on skill-building weekend. I love to fish and hike and be outside, so I want them to learn to appreciate that as well so we can do something together that's fun -- instead of [sit] in front of the computer or the TV. :10 When I met Dehne's son Christian, he was on his hands and knees, with hammer in hand. [:01 hammering] I'm pounding the stakes into the ground to hold down the tent so it doesn't fly away while we're inside. [:03 ambience at end] :10 When asked whose idea it was to attend the workshop ... . Um, it was my mom's idea. But it's not something that we regret. [1.5 seconds hammering ... background laughter] :06 "We' includes his sister Isabel. I just got wet from kayaking, and I'm a little cold. But, I've been having fun. It's just nice to be out here. So, you don't miss ipods and computers? Well, I still have my ipod with me. We're hoping the battery runs out so that she can't use it. It's almost out, actually. :18 Pam Dehne said she plans to take Christian and Isabel camping at state parks this summer. That's our show for today, with support from Toyota, reminding you to do whatever it takes to get your kids outside. For ideas and tips go to lifesbetteroutside.org. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti Total sound bite time: 0:44.0 Maximum Script time: 0:41.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25