MENTORED HUNTING, 2: Recruiting new hunters for conservation ... details on Passport to Texas. PTT from TPW and the Wildlife Restoration Program Hunt Texas -- The Basics is a first-of-its-kind skill-building workshop being offered to new hunters this fall by Texas Parks and Wildlife. The purpose of the workshop is to develop responsible and successful hunters who recognize the importance of wildlife and habitat conservation. :08 Linda Campbell is Program Director of the Private Lands and Public Hunting Program. The workshop is an effort to support the hunting tradition in Texas, and to recruit new outdoorsmen, as these conservationist help sustain our natural resources. In Texas, we're doing pretty well holding our own with the number of hunters. But, we're also concerned with changes in the population of Texas, more urbanization and people moving away from the land, and the effect of that on the ability to continue the hunting heritage of our state. :24 Workshop participants learn about firearm selection game processing, safety, ethics and much more. We're in the early stages of planning, but right now we are going to try to provide some firearms and ammunition for those that do not have firearms available to them. :08 The first workshop is September 19 & 20 at the Justin Hurst WMA. Participants will end the workshop with a mentored dove hunt. Find more information, including fees, at That's our show ... with support from the Wildlife Restoration Program ... providing funding for the Private Lands and Public Hunting Program. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:40.0 Maximum Script time: 0:45.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25