OUTDOOR FAMILIES -- CITY INVOLVEMENT: Hosting a Texas Outdoor Family Workshop ... on Passport to Texas. Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife The Texas Outdoor Family weekend workshops help families learn skills to enhance future outdoor excursions. We really wanted to do something for our community that was different as far as getting people outdoors. :05 Deirdre Flores, recreation program coordinator for the city of Kyle, says hosting a workshop benefits participating families and cities. This is a great program for any city to host if they're looking to get into outdoor programming. It also brings other families to your community, so you get people into your community that may not have ever come otherwise. I would recommend it to anybody. :12 Not only is Parks and Wildlife staff on hand to facilitate the workshop, cities can tap into other local resources, like nearby colleges. I'm actually an alum of Texas State Recreation program, so we've partnered with their recreation programming class. And the students -- they are having a blast. And I think they've done a great job. Having Texas State as a partner -- you can't get any better. :13 The program was so successful in Kyle, Flores says they plan to offer it again. We want to do it twice a year, so we're looking to do it in the fall and the spring. We really enjoyed this program, and we'd like to continue to bring it to our citizens. :06 That's our show for today, with support from Toyota. To learn about upcoming Texas Outdoor Family workshops at local parks and state parks, visit lifesbetteroutside.org. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:36.0 Maximum Script time: 0:49.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25