STATE PARKS--BENEFITS: State parks...a natural experience for the body and bank account ... on Passport to Texas Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife For whatever reason, it seems that ... We spend way too much time indoors. :02 Walt Dabney, Director of Texas State parks, says visiting a park not only gets kids and adults outside, it gets them in shape. The other thing about being outside is while some people don't like structured exercise, when you're outside in a park -- hiking or just doing things -- you're physically active. And it's very positive for you from a health standpoint. :14 And with fuel prices continuing to climb, state parks are healthy for your body and your bank account. We've got kayak and canoe rentals. You can bring a bike. You can do all kinds of things unless you're just looking for a way to burn more gas. And I'll tell you that the way gas prices are going today, parks are going to be even more attractive. You know, there's probably one fairly close to where anybody hearing me lives. :19 Which means a healthy outdoor experience is closer than you think. We have information on state parks, the annual state parks pass and the state park guide at That's our show ... remember: life's better outside ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:35.0 Maximum Script time: 0:50.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25