TPW TV -- STATE PARKS CAMPING: What to do before you meet your maker ... on Passport to Texas. Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife If you have a bucket list -- that's an inventory of activities to accomplish before departing this mortal coil -- be sure to include a fall campout at a Texas state park. It's heavenly. And this month Parks & Wildlife Television will highlights state parks. Series Producer, Abe Moore. Some of the parks we're going to profile is Lockhart State Park, Purtis Creek State Park, which is between Dallas and Tyler, Lake Casa Blanca State Park, which is down by Laredo, and Ray Roberts Lake State Park north of Dallas. Some of the aspects of Lockhart SP, for example, is there's actually a golf course there, which is kind of unique. And of course, you have your BBQ and camping, but it's a nice little park. We're quite pleased we found this place; to me it's a hidden gem in the State Park system. And for folks in South Texas, down by Laredo, we have Lake Casa Blanca International SP. And, it's also great for camping and also great just the quiet. Lake Casa Blanca SP offers people the opportunity to come and enjoy a piece of quietness and enjoy the sounds of nature and just relax. So, every week on Parks and Wildlife Television we'll have a park piece, so people can kind of get geared up for fall camping. :53 For more information go to That's our show ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:53.0 Maximum Script time: 0:32.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25