EXPO -- DE LA GARZA: Family fishing that led to a career as a professional bass angler ... on Passport to Texas. PTT from TPW and the Sport Fish Restoration Program The seed for her career as a professional bass angler took root when Diane de la Garza was a child. When I was a little girl, my father and my mother took me fishing, and my parents always made the time to take us out and to introduce us to the outdoors. And for that, I will always be grateful. :10 De la Garza and her husband Hector, both professional bass anglers, are part of this year's Texas Parks and Wildlife Expo October 4 & 5, in the Fishing Fundamentals area. So, we'll be sharing stories ... .sharing techniques ... sharing ideas ... answering questions ... .it'll be a blast. :07 De la Garza says Expo is a tremendous opportunity to introduce children to the diverse outdoor recreational opportunities available to them, such as fishing. It is so important for parents to take the time to take their kids out fishing. Honestly, it doesn't matter if you catch any fish or not; what you're doing is you're creating memories. And, the lives that we have today -- we get so busy. And I know for me, looking back, some of the best memories that I have of my family is when they took me out fishing and getting to experience the outdoors. :22 Professional bass anglers, Diane and Hector de la Garza, will be at Expo on October 4th & 5th, in the Fishing Fundamentals area. We have information at passporttotexas.org. That's our show ... .with support from the Sport Fish Restoration program ... funded by your purchase of fishing equipment and motor boat fuels For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:39.0 Maximum Script time: 0:46.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25