FISHING FUNDAMENTALS: Putting the FUN in fishing during Parks and Wildlife EXPO ... details on Passport to Texas PTT from TPW and the Sport fish Restoration Program In less than a month, tens of thousands of visitors will converge on TPW HQ in Austin for a weekend of outdoor enjoyment at the annual Expo. Ron Smith invites everyone to the Fishing Fundamentals area. Fishing fundamentals is a little bit of everything fishing. :03 Smith, with Inland Fisheries, is managing this area for Expo. So, whether they haven't fished before, or whether they're going to try a new specialty type of fishing, or they want to just know where to go, or where the fish are biting, or about conservation, or safety -- we're going to have a little bit of everything at this booth. Hopefully, to provide them with the next step that they can take in enjoying fishing in Texas. :21 Visitors who come from urban areas may be surprised by what they learn at Fishing Fundamentals. Many of the ones that live in urban areas have never been fishing and they don't realize they may have a fishing hole right close to their home that they can get to very easily, and they don't have to go many miles to get to a fishing spot. So, that's one of the things that we're trying to do -- inform folks that they don't have to go far to fish. :18 TPW Expo is October 4&5 from 9-5 both days, and it's free. That's our show ... with support from the SFWR Program ... providing funding for the operations and management of the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:42.0 Maximum Script time: 0:43.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25