TPW TV -- THEMES: Texas Parks and Wildlife TV gets thematic in October ... on Passport to Texas. Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Texas Parks and Wildlife Television gets thematic in October. Production Supervisor, Don Cash, explains. The first show in October deals with bats. Where to go see bats, and the monetary value that bats have. One of the shows is a fishing show. We go to the Texas coast, and we feature a fishing guide up at lake Fork, a guy named Brian Duplechain, who is just a great guy, and a great guide. One day Butch Ray called and said, I've got a guide trip. Shore enough, and I jumped on that opportunity. The first cast that morning, my customer had a backlash; the second cast he caught an eight and a half pounder. He caught a big fish. That made me a guide. Another one of our theme shows has to do with hunting. One of the stories is about a dog named call and his trainer Linda Palmer, and it's just a great story about how she takes this dog from three months all the way up to a year. It's a story about the relationship between the trainer and the dog. He watched the whole thing, made sure everything was recorded in his brain, brought the bird in, and then, of course, went to get the other one. So, if you've got an interest in hunting, or fishing, or bats, you've got a whole show that you can look at and really get in depth with it. :61 Thanks Don. Find a list of stations that air the series, at That's our show for today ... we record our series at the Production Block studios in Austin, Texas. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:61.0 Maximum Script time: 0:24.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25