THIS MONTH ON TPW TV: Conservation and recreation on the Colorado River ... details on Passport to Texas. Passport to Texas from TPW and the SFWR Program The Colorado River is a source of water, recreation and reflection for the people living along its banks. This month the Texas Parks and Wildlife TV show, highlights this important water body. Producer, Alan Fisher. Coming up in December, we have a segment called Reclaiming the River that follows some folks in the Bastrop area, who have really gotten their town a little more in touch with the river that runs through it. Part of the function of land is to clean the water. And part of what this land can do is help make sure that we have a clean, clear Colorado River instead of a mud hole. They've gotten paddling trails established along the Colorado, in the Bastrop area. [Insert paddling audio]. Also coming up in December, we have a series of videos called Take Me Fishing. They are basically very introductory fishing videos -- information about how to fish, where to fish, what kind of resources are available. A lot of people growing up in urban or suburban environments may not have ever been fishing -- it could be a little intimidating. So, these videos provide some great resources for people who are maybe interested in fishing but have never tried it before. Here are a few tips to ensure that both you and your kids have a good time together. Here fishy ... fishy ... fishy. There are all sorts of ways to enjoy the outdoors in Texas -- fishing and paddling among them. :62 Thanks, Alan. Check you local listings. That's our show ... with support from the Sport Fish and Wildlife restoration Program ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:62.0 Maximum Script time: 0:23.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25