CAROLS IN THE CAVE: Some singing holiday fun in a cave [:06 We all just have a ball ... I mean it's Christmas ... it's time for us to let the kid in us come out] ... we'll explain on Passport to Texas. Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife If your Christmas activities have become a ho-hum jingle- bell bore, maybe it is time to take your celebration to the next level -- the lower level -- of Longhorn Cavern. Every year we do what we call our caroling in the cave, and what it is, is a Christmas party for our visitors. :06 Pam Plant is the event coordinator at Longhorn Cavern State Park in Burnet. She says everyone needs to leave any Scrooge-like tendencies at the door for this all ages holiday hoedown. I mean, it's Christmas. It's time for us to let the kid in you come out. :04 Visitors participate in trivia games for prizes, until it is time to descend into the cavern singing the Twelve Days of Christmas. We have various artists who will be coming out doing these concerts, and most of them will do the sing-a-long Christmas carols that the audience really loves. Toward the end of the caroling or concert segment, we hand out candles, and the guests come out of the cave singling silent night. :17 Ah, but that's not where it ends. Once they return back to the surface, we have a feast that awaits them consisting of warm finger foods, dessert and hot spiced cider. We'll play some more games, give out our big door prizes, and then we end the whole evening with a reading of The Night Before Christmas. :17 The concerts are December 17, 20 & 21. We have complete details, including cost and times at That's our show ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:44.0 Maximum Script time: 0:41.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25