LSLS -- CROSS TIMBERS & PRAIRIES, 1: A veteran's loan and a love of wildlife -- the Dearing Ranch on Passport to Texas. PTT from TPW & the Wildlife Restoration Program [:01 -- birds ] I'll be seventy-eight years old in a week or two, and I'm having more fun now than I ever had in my life. I'm getting to do for a hobby what I used to have to scratch out a living out of. [:02 -- dog barking] :11 Jake "Bud" Dearing has spent over thirty years piecing together fourteen hundred acres of north Texas cross timber land devoted to native Texas Wildlife. I love my wildlife. I love deer. We try to use what the good Lord provided us. And then whatever we don't have, then we try to supplement it, and we've come up with some very good deer:11 He purchased the original land in the seventies with a veteran's loan, and spent the next five years adding to his acreage. His land management goal is to improve plant diversity to benefit a variety of wildlife, which he has done with the help of Texas Parks and Wildlife. Mr. Dearing is an extremely good partner with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. :04 James Edwards is a Parks and Wildlife Biologist. His openness and willingness to manage his land the way that it needs to be managed is one of the biggest assets that he has. :06 The Dearing Ranch earned the Lone Star Land Steward award for the Cross-Timbers and Prairies Eco-Region. Tomorrow: successful land management. Y'all have pointed things out to me that I never thought about.3 That's our show ... with support from the Wildlife Restoration Program ... providing funding for the Private Lands and Public Hunting Program ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:35.0 Maximum Script time: 0:50.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25