LSLS -- CROSS TIMBERS & PRAIRIES, 2: land management reaps big rewards ... details on Passport to Texas. PTT from TPW & the Wildlife Restoration Program Jake "Bud" Dearing, has worked tirelessly to produce quality white-tailed deer on his ranch through the Parks and Wildlife Managed Lands Deer Program. We got plenty of good deer here. They need a little push, a little help. :04 The Dearing Ranch, in Northern Erath County, stretches across 1400 acres, and has a 15-acre bass lake. Walking along one of the property's many trails, Dearing points to a healthy stand of waist-high vegetation. Right here we have this skunk bush, and I'm, and I'm proud of it. We have, uh, lots of it, and it's one of the better foods for deer in this country. It is very important in a deer's diet. :11 And deer get their fill at this all-you-can-eat buffet. Steve Whisenant works alongside the 78-year-old rancher. I've worked with him on it since day one. And it's just part of us. We've put a lot of our life into it. A lot of work, and it's beginning to pay off now. He's got world class game here; bass, turkey, white-tail deer. It's just a dream for a sportsman or wildlife person. :16 Dearing says he's not ready to slow down, because he's having too much fun managing his land. I enjoy it more since y'all have pointed things out to me that ... I'd never thought about. :06 The Dearing Ranch earned the Lone Star Land Steward award for the Cross-Timbers and Prairies Eco-Region. That's our show ... with support from the Wildlife Restoration Program ... providing funding for the Private Lands and Public Hunting Program ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:37.0 Maximum Script time: 0:48.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25