LSLS -- PIERCE RANCH: A ranch with a long history of stewardship [it was started by Shanghai Pierce ... 1870s and 80s] ... details on Passport to Texas. PTT from TPW and the Wildlife Restoration Program Pierce Ranch, the Lone Star Land Steward Award winner in the gulf prairies and marshes eco-region, has a long history of stewardship. Laurence Armour, III. I'm the fifth generation that has run the ranch; it was started by Shanghai Pierce who was a famous cattle driver back in the 1870s and 80s. He is my great-great-grandfather. :12 Wetlands development through rice farming -- something the Pierce family has done for more than 100 years -- also provides habitat for a variety of species. What the rice field does is provide sort of a wetland ecosystem for those animals that need that kind of ecosystem to survive. As a result, we have a great deal of wildlife that we might not otherwise have. :14 Bill Stansky with the Texas Rice Industry Coalition for the Environment applauds the family's native prairie restoration efforts. Well, this part of the Pierce Ranch is part of a few hundred acres that has never been farmed. And there's very, very little native prairie left on the Texas coast. It's just almost gone. And so it's very valuable, and they harvest seed from this. And sell it to restore prairies all along the gulf coast. :20 Learn more at That's out show ... with support from the Wildlife restoration Program ... providing funding for the Private Lands and Habitat Enhancement Program ... for Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:46.0 Maximum Script time: 0:39.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25