WATER DOCUMENTARY, 3: Connecting with the source ... we'll explain on Passport to Texas. Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife We all need water to survive. Water is something that's relevant to all Texans. :03 Texas Parks and Wildlife Executive Director Carter Smith reminds us that water is relevant to both human life and natural life. And, so the state and quality of our water life is essential to the wellbeing of our fish and wildlife in the state, and so obviously it's something that's near and dear to our hearts at Texas Parks and Wildlife. :09 This month, Texas Parks and Wildlife unveils another in its series of water documentaries. Texas: The State of Flowing Waters focuses on environmental flow, which is the water needed to maintain healthy ecosystems along a waterway. And, as we think about water for fish and wildlife and people, we have to think about it from its source in the aquifers, to the springs that emanate from those aquifers, and then the water as it flows all the way down its course to eventually empty into our bays and estuaries. And healthy river systems need flowing water. :20 The documentary will shed light on the work involved statewide to maintain these life-giving environmental flows. Ensuring that we have water that is running through its course is critically important if we are going to sustain the biological diversity and the recreational values that we depend upon in these rivers and streams. :11 Texas: The State of Flowing Water airs on PBS stations Thursday February 12 at 8PM. And made possible by the Sport Fish Restoration program. That's our show ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:43.0 Maximum Script time: 0:42.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25