TPW TV -- CATFISH: If you want to catch a cat -- throw out a jug ... [Cat cry] ... not that kind of cat ... we'll explain on Passport to Texas. Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Catfish have a face only a mother and angler could love. Texas Parks and Wildlife television series producer Alan Fisher hooked up with fishermen who were catching cats. In the story we visit Lake Buchanan in Central Texas, and then Lake Conroe in Southeast Texas. I went out with two folks who target big catfish. And, the folks on Lake Conroe actually landed a thirty-five pounder that night. And, thirty five pounds is a lot of fish when you try and lift it into a boat. [Groaning and fish flopping] He's not very happy about all this. :26 Alan says something called jug fishing is a popular among cat anglers. [Chuckles] Well, the jug fishing is something I've always known about. People take an old milk jug and tie a string around it, and [put a] hook on it, and throw it out in the water. [With a] jug, you're increasing your odds a whole lot, because you can put up to five hooks on a jug. It's a blast. [laughs] I love it. Catfish are kind of a fun fish. Some people like to see them at the end of a rod, some people like to see them on the dinner plate. But they're a fun fish any way you choose to enjoy them. . :26 Thanks, Alan. Go to for a listing of PBS stations that air the series. That's our show ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:52.0 Maximum Script time: 0:33.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25