WOMEN'S HUNT: It was a women's weekend where hunting was the name of the game ... details ahead on Passport to Texas PTT from TPW and the Wildlife Restoration Program (AMB: Gunshot ... "good enough ... next") [:03] That's how a group of ten women started a weekend hunting trip at a Hill Country ranch - by taking practice shots at targets. Ranch manager Troy Calloway explains. Sometimes we get people out here who have never shot before, so we set 'em up and assess the situation ... .. But everybody here is nailing it, we're good to go it looks like. :08 Hunt coordinator, Tami Moore, told me that women make up less than 10% of all licensed hunters, and she thinks she may know why. I think a lot of women are afraid that they're going to fail, because they're just scared. And going out with another group of ladies, in a situation like we are this weekend, takes a lot of that out of it. :10 Kathy Keller of Austin is an experienced hunter. We spoke in her deer blind. Oh, this is really great. And it's exciting to see that women are getting into this sport and learning about hunting and wildlife. . . :08 Kathy explains what it was like the first time she harvested an animal. It was something that made me think. I've taken this life, and I had to think about why I was doing it. And I realized that it is a big responsibility. :09 Learn about hunting opportunities at passporttotexas.org. That's our show ... with support from the Wildlife Restoration Program ... working to increase hunting and shooting opportunities in Texas. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:38.0 Maximum Script time: 0:47.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25